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Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Natural Breast Cancer Cure - The Mind

By Glen Russell
Your mind is a powerful tool for self-healing and recovery from cancer. It is the ultimate natural breast cancer cure. For you to understand how this mechanism of self-healing using the mind works, it is important to understand how cancer spreads in the body when the mind is under constant stress.
According to Lothar Hirneise, world renowned cancer researcher, cancer cannot exist without stress. And there are a number of reasons for this.
1. When the mind is under constant stress the body produces high levels of the stress hormone Cortisol. Consistent high levels of Cortisol in the body suppress the immune system. The immune system is responsible for destroying rogue cancer cells in the body.
2. When the mind is under constant stress the body releases and is eventually depleted of Adrenaline. People with cancer possess virtually no adrenaline in their cells. Instead, the cells of cancer patients are overloaded with insulin and too much sugar.
When bombarded by stress, which requires a constant pumping out of adrenaline, the body ultimately becomes exhausted and is unable to process adrenaline. This causes the cells to fill up with sugar, which, in turn, results in four outcomes: (1) fermentation, (2) very rapid cell division, resulting in the formation of tumour sites, (3) the mutation of normal cells into cancer cells, due to insufficient oxygen in the cell caused by high levels of sugar, and (4) a low oxygen / sugar-rich environment, in which cancer cells are able to further multiply.
3. When the mind is under constant stress the body cannot produce enough Melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for inhibiting cancer cell growth in the body. Melatonin is produced in the pituitary gland in the brain during deep sleep between 1am-3am in the morning. Constant stress means little or disrupted sleep during this important Melatonin-producing period, meaning cancer is then able to spread in the body.
4. Nearly all cancer patients have experienced a psycho-emotional conflict shock a few years prior to the onset of their cancer. This may be the loss of a loved one for example, and is most often a highly stressful event or conflict, where the person feels there is no way out of the emotional pain, stress or inner turmoil they are feeling. Dr Ryke-Geerd Hamer, a leading German cancer researcher, studied the records of 20,000 cancer patients, and found a direct correlation between this psycho-emotional conflict occurring between 1-3 years prior to cancer diagnosis, and cancer forming in the body.
There are three important ways a person diagnosed with cancer can heal their body using their mind.
1. The first and most important way is to express and release internal emotional stress caused by the mind. This includes anger, hurt, resentment, grief, and hate – all of which are repressed feelings commonly found in those with cancer. When you are able to deal with these repressed feelings, by expressing them and releasing them, just like a valve released on a pressure cooker, these stress levels immediately reduce. This means Cortisol levels, Adrenaline levels, and Melatonin levels can begin to return to normal levels. The Mind-Body Self Hypnosis Cancer CD is an excellent tool for expressing and releasing repressed emotions in the comfort of your own home, as well as accessing someone skilled in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).
2. A fighting spirit is also another important factor to cure breast cancer naturally using the mind. Your immune system is controlled by your subconscious feeling mind. When you are feeling up-beat and full of hope, you send your immune system the green light to go ahead and work hard for you, to begin multiplying and producing more immune system cells in your body. Guided imagery cancer CD’s are excellent for this purpose, as well as a strong spiritual belief or support group.
3. Laughter is another important factor in overcoming cancer. Inner joy and laughter is a great antidote for internal stress. There have been many cases of people overcoming cancer by watching comedy movies every day after their diagnosis, and refusing to allow any stress or conflict into their lives. And this includes stress from their partners.

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